
Our Employees

Jake Tyno

Senior Account Manager

Alan Newton

Carrier Representative

Trent Woodroe

Track and Trace Specialist

Victoria Berroth

Customer Operations Specialist

Robert Duggan

Head of Strategy and Growth

Scott Martin

Founding Partner

Eric Schnirel

President / Buffalo Operations / Founding Partner

Brandon Aichinger

Founding Partner

Nick Robertson

Data & Finance

Chris Glenn

Carrier Experience

Brian Pappagallo

Carrier Experience

Andrew Goetz

Customer Experience

Patrick Schwab

Account Support Specialist

Lisa Wylie

Accounts Receivable Representative

Tyler Moskala

Senior Account Manager

Mike Tintor

Senior Account Manager

John Szymendera

Senior Account Manager

Nick Grekulak

Carrier Representative

Kole Marquardt

Carrier Representative

Jack Cooper

Carrier Representative

Karen Johnston

Senior Sales Representative

Wendy Moore

Customer Operations Specialist

Michele Luppino

HR Specialist

Lisa Wylie

Accounts Receivable Representative

Kimberly Harper

Carrier Representative

Collin Murray

Account Support Specialist

Kevin Torrillo

Carrier Representative

Brian Pappagallo

Director of Carrier Relations

Michael Tintor

Senior Account Representative

Jeff Parker

Senior Account Manager

Bradley Poitras

Account Director

John Netter

Senior Account Manager